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Explore statistical concepts interactively with the DCMP Data Analysis Tools. These freely available tools allow students to construct graphs, analyze data, and apply statistical methods such as regression analysis, randomization tests, chi-square tests, and confidence intervals.

Designed to complement the Introductory Statistics: Analyzing Data with Purpose course, these tools and activities connect theory to real-world applications using large datasets like the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). The samples linked below provide instructors with exemplar activities that utilize the data analysis tools. Each activity emphasizes critical thinking, data analysis, and effective communication, equipping students with essential skills for interpreting and solving real-world problems.

Sample Lessons

These resources are ideal for fostering active learning and enhancing student success. For more information about our comprehensive Introductory Statistics course and supporting materials, visit the Introductory Statistics: Analyzing Data with Purpose page.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Association, Correlation, and Regression


Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem

Confidence Intervals and Significance Tests (One Sample)

Confidence Intervals and Significance Tests (Two Groups)

Inference for Comparing Several Groups