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Contextualized mathematics

Focusing on

Collaborative pedagogy


Embedded student success strategies

Course Overview

The Dana Center Mathematics Pathways (DCMP) Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning (FMR) course is a semester-long quantitative literacy-based course that surveys a variety of mathematical topics needed to prepare students for college-level statistics, quantitative reasoning, or algebra-intensive courses. The course is organized around big mathematical and statistical ideas. The course helps students develop conceptual understanding and acquire multiple strategies for solving problems. FMR prepares students for success in future courses and helps them develop skills for the workplace and as productive citizens. It is recommended that it be offered as four contact hours per week with the same instructor.

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Concepts include:

  • Numeracy with an emphasis on estimation and fluency with large numbers;
  • Evaluating expressions and formulas;
  • Rates, ratios, and proportions;
  • Percentages;
  • Solving equations;
  • Linear models;
  • Data interpretations, including graphs and tables;
  • Verbal, algebraic and graphical representations of functions;
  • Exponential models.

In addition, these materials support development of students’ ability to read, write, and talk about mathematical concepts and applications.

Explore Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning Materials

Table of Contents

Overview and Learning Outcomes

The in-class activities, instructor resources, and accompanying homework are openly available for use by any instructor.

Online Homework Platform

The Dana Center has partnered with Lumen Learning to provide faculty and students with an optional online homework platform. To learn more about using the Dana Center’s courses on Lumen Learning's Online Homework Manager (OHM), fill out this form.

Student Voice

David James, who took Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning at Austin Community College, describes how the class makes math relevant and relatable.

Course Information and FAQ

The Dana Center believes strongly in the power of co-requisite rather than pre-requisite instruction. However, if a preponderance of evidence suggests that a student needs additional time prior to entering a college-level course, or if the student has not yet selected a program of study, then the Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning course provides preparation for any pathway.

To meet your institution’s placement policies and serve your students at their preparation level, several implementation options are available.

  • Underprepared Students

    Students who place at the Elementary Algebra level take Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning. Upon successful completion, students are ready to enroll in college-level quantitative reasoning, introductory statistics, or the Reasoning with Functions I course.

    If an institution offers traditional College Algebra rather than the Reasoning with Functions courses, STEM-intending students will need to take Intermediate Algebra.

  • Adult Basic Education Students

    Students take Foundations of Mathematical Reasoning with the paired DCMP co-requisite support course. The Foundations course is recommended as four contact hours per week and the support course is recommended as three contact hours.

    Upon successful completion, students are ready to enroll in college-level quantitative reasoning, introductory statistics, or the Reasoning with Functions I course.

    If an institution is offering traditional College Algebra rather than the Reasoning with Functions courses, STEM-intending students will need to take Intermediate Algebra.

Photo of Russell Self

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