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LY-MathLN Call to Action: Recommendation 2

The Launch Years Math Organizations Leadership Network (LY-MathLN) has curated a list of resources and brief facilitation notes to help implement the Call to Action and Recommendations.


Recommendation 2: Build Policies, Practices, and Structures

Build policies, practices, and structures that open access to high-quality mathematics and statistics education for all students.

When Recommendation 2 is enacted, students will have access to, can equitably enroll in,
and succeed in high-quality mathematical experiences. Systems will support high-quality instruction for all students and not discriminate.

Each listed resource below includes:

  • Brief description with links to related resources
  • Resource type (Informational resource; Tool to guide implementation; Example of program)
  • Primary audiences (Mathematics and Statistics Education Community; General Education Community; Students, Families, and Community Stakeholders)
  • Location of resource (How to access or purchase)

Resources and Tools to Enact Recommendation 2: Build Policies, Practices, and Structures

NCTM’s Principles to Actions

Principles to Actions outlines specific research-based teaching practices that are essential for a high-quality mathematics education for each and every student. These teaching practices focus on pedagogy that incorporates student thinking and identities. NCTM’s Principles to Actions Professional Learning Toolkit provides guidance and resources (for purchase and open source) to teachers, mathematics coaches, administrators, parents, and policymakers. 

Continuing the Journey: Mathematics Learning 2021 and Beyond

With this resource, NCTM, NCSM, and ASSM guide leaders and teachers in creating an environment for safe and supportive mathematics teaching and learning. This joint effort promotes a school structure that eliminates, rather than solidifies, challenges for all students. Facilitators are encouraged to use Table 5 Mathematics Teaching and Advocacy Practices and Table 6 Planning to Advocate to focus on the inclusion of families and community stakeholders in professional learning partnerships. 

  • Resource type: Informational, Tool
  • Primary audiences: Students, Families, and Community Stakeholders  
  • Access resource

Data Science 4 Everyone 

Amplifying Statistics and Data Science in Classrooms 


InSTEP: Invigorating Statistics and Data Science Teaching Through Professional Learning 

These three resources provide opportunities for educators to focus on expanding content knowledge of statistics and data science and on their roles in the design of mathematics pathways. A variety of opportunities, tools, and resources allow individuals to customize their learning experiences.