LY-MathLN Call to Action: Recommendation 1
The Launch Years Math Organizations Leadership Network (LY-MathLN) has curated a list of resources and brief facilitation notes to help implement the Call to Action and Recommendations.
Recommendation 1: Promote Rigorous Mathematics and Statistics Pathways
Promote rigorous mathematics and statistics pathways from the junior year of high school through postsecondary education (e.g., the algebraic path, statistics, quantitative reasoning), leading to equitable opportunities that support students’ diverse interests and goals.
When Recommendation 1 is enacted, students who are transitioning from PreK–12 to higher education and to careers, and between higher education institutions or different careers, will be prepared to meet expectations in their chosen fields. Transfer and placement policies and practices will be clear, transparent, and equitable.
Each listed resource below includes:
- Brief description with links to related resources
- Resource type (Informational resource; Tool to guide implementation; Example of program)
- Primary audiences (Mathematics and Statistics Education Community; General Education Community; Students, Families, and Community Stakeholders)
- Location of resource (How to access or purchase)
Resources and Tools to Enact Recommendation 1: Promote Rigorous Mathematics and Statistics Pathways
Catalyzing Change Case Studies | The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) created case studies of districts and schools working to implement recommendations from the Catalyzing Change series. These case studies provide examples that districts and schools can use to help identify questions that can be investigated regarding the mathematics and statistics pathways available for students.
Re-Envisioning Mathematics Pathways to Expand Opportunities: The Landscape of High School to Postsecondary Course Sequences | Codeveloped by the Charles A. Dana Center, Student Achievement Partners, and Education Strategy Group, this report, as stated in its executive summary, “includes analyses of states’ available middle and high school student course-taking data to examine whether recent high school mathematics pathways reforms have influenced students’ mathematics course enrollment. It also examines how students’ mathematics course-taking patterns vary within and across states and how state policy levers such as graduation course requirements might be influencing students’ mathematics course-taking decisions. The report includes a discussion of recent changes to states’ standards and policies for adopting instructional materials as well as updates on the student assessment landscape in mathematics. It also provides lessons learned and guidance from the field as well as recommendations and considerations for strategies to center equity and incorporate data into states’ mathematics pathways efforts. Finally, the report includes noteworthy state-specific highlights, mathematics focus group insights, and key questions for additional research.”
Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) Reports | The GAISE reports consist of recommendations for introductory statistics courses (college level) and statistics education in Pre-K–12 years that support the development of statistical literacy for all students. The two reports provide a framework explaining how “mathematical and statistical thinking are related yet distinct.” The accompanying website contains additional resources such as webinars, data sets, articles, and blogs.
Level of Conceptual Understanding in Statistics (LOCUS) | Statistics is a rigorous alternative to Calculus and contains more relevant content for many careers. Stakeholder groups (see primary audiences below) will review and discuss rigorous alternatives to AP Calculus as the goal of high school mathematics instruction. Activities will include discussions of what it means to rigorously explore statistics, statistical thinking, and the many career pathways that require statistics. The LOCUS assessments—reviewed and endorsed by the Joint ASA/NCTM Joint Committee on Curriculum in Statistics and Probability—share insights into the types of assessment items that can be used to measure students’ understanding across levels of development as identified in the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) Report: A Pre-K–12 Curriculum Framework.
Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices Series | The Taking Action series (Grades K–5, 6–8 and 9–12) offers a comprehensive set of professional learning experiences designed to foster teachers’ understanding of the effective mathematics teaching practices in NCTM’s Principles to Action. Two types of activities support stakeholders as they apply the practices in their classrooms: Analyzing Teaching and Learning, in which tasks or situations are presented; and Taking Action in Your Classroom, in which concrete suggestions are provided for exploring specific teaching practices in the classroom.