Telephone: 512-232-6570
Dana Center Role
Bill provides leadership for strategic direction and planning for the Dana Center Mathematics Pathways (DCMP), a transformative redesign to modernize entry-level college mathematics programs through working with states, systems, universities, and colleges, and works with external and internal stakeholders to advance the project’s mission and vision. He establishes and sustains collaboration with higher education, governmental, and philanthropic partners. In addition, Bill ensures student success across the educational ecosystem with seamless transfer and applicability. He also facilitates conversations with institutional and system leaders to scale mathematics pathways to student credential attainment leading to viable careers.
Before assuming this position, Bill served as project lead for the Dana Center work on transfer, collaborating with DCMP regional coordinators and the Texas Transfer Alliance on discovery of emerging and best practices facilitating successful transfer of students between institutions of higher education in Texas. As a DCMP regional coordinator, he assisted the other regional coordinators in their regional work supporting Center initiatives. Bill also served as a workshop leader in implementing co-requisite instructional models.
Before Joining the Dana Center
As director of the Continuing Education Center at The University of Georgia, Athens, Bill led a team of more than 400 employees in the development and delivery of undergraduate distance education courses, noncredit professional development programs, and residential conferences. The Center developed more than 200 online courses for credit and noncredit and increased external revenue and enrollments by more than 150 percent. Bill also served on the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach Leadership team and chaired the university-wide program review committee.
Prior to his tenure at The University of Georgia, Athens, Bill served 14 years as president of the Tyler Junior College, working with a locally elected nine-member board of trustees. A comprehensive community college with more than 11,000 credit enrollments per semester and 15,500 noncredit enrollments per year, TJC employed more than 300 full-time faculty members, 250 staff, and 200 part-time faculty. It participated in 11 intercollegiate sports, received more Phi Theta Kappa academic honors than any college, and was identified as one of the fastest-growing colleges in the United States.
Ph.D., Higher Education Administration, The University of Texas at Austin
M.B.A., The University of Texas at Tyler
B.B.A., Marketing, The University of Texas at Austin
Selected Publications
Crowe, W. R. (2015). Why bother with advancement. In P. Heaton (Ed.), Opportunity knocking: How community college presidents can lead a new era of advancement (pp. 1–13). Washington, DC: Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.
Selected Presentations
Presenter at multiple Council for the Advancement and Support of Education conferences and events, including the following topics:
- The national picture of community college fundraising
- Benchmarking your advancement work
- Presidents of community colleges can and should raise private funds
- Getting started in advancement work
Selected Professional Activities
Commissioner, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
President and Legislative Chair, Texas Association of Community Colleges
Chair, University of Georgia Academic Program Review Committee
Member, Executive Accreditation team, University of Georgia
Member, LSU Foundation Capital Campaign Committee
Member, National Transfer Advisory Board
Member, American Association of Community Colleges Commission on Student Services