Jackie M. LeJeune, M.A.T.
Professional Learning and Implementation Specialist
Dana Center Role
Jackie works within local and state educational systems to ensure every student has access to an excellent math education. She exposes teachers, school leaders, and above-school-level leaders to research-based strategies that nurture students’ intellectual passions and ensure that every student leaves school prepared for success in postsecondary education and the contemporary workplace.
Jackie uses current research on effective and culturally responsive instructional leadership, high-leverage teaching practices, and relevant student learning practices to design, develop, and facilitate professional learning opportunities for educators. She collaborates with districts and states to best address specific concerns at the system level and capitalizes on their unique resources.
Additionally, Jackie leverages her experiences as a classroom teacher and instructional coach to support the development of K–12 mathematics and science professional learning.
Before Joining the Dana Center
Jackie has 13 years of experience with Hillsborough County Public Schools in Tampa, Florida, where she served in various roles. She most recently was a Title 1 mathematics academic coach for K–5, assisting individual school sites in the prioritization of needs to develop a focused Mathematics Action Plan aligned with the School Improvement Plan and research-based instructional best practices. She also developed curriculum resources and professional learning for instructional leaders and teachers.
In addition, Jackie supported teachers, site-based math coaches, and administrators in the implementation of the Mathematics Action Plan through progress monitoring, professional development, and planning sessions.
Previously as an elementary mathematics coach, she planned and modeled effective, rigorous, student-centered math lessons aligned with the standards, as well as facilitated weekly planning sessions with K–5 grade-level teams who incorporated professional development to deepen teachers’ content knowledge and understanding of best instructional practices.
- M.A.T., Mathematics, The University of Tampa
- B.A., Psychology, The University of Tampa
Professional Development
- Acceleration in Mathematics Community of Practice
- Classroom Practice Study: Improving Through Collaboration and Reflection
- East Texas Math Pathways Collaborative
- Enhancing Math Formative Assessment
- Focus on Algebra Initiative
- Mathematics Content Leader Initiative
- Mathematics Virtual Workshop Library
- Preservice Collaborative
- Texas Network for School Improvement Initiative and Accompanying Expanded Opportunity Networking Initiatives
- Classroom Practice Study: Disrupting Inequities While Empowering Teachers. Presented at the 56th National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM): Leadership in Mathematics Education Annual Conference, Chicago, IL (September 2024).
- Promoting Data-Driven Culture and Building Continuous Improvement Capacity. Keynote at the Region 13 Data Conference, Austin, TX (February 2024).
- Discussion Mapping as a Catalyst for Equity-Centered Coaching Conversations. Presented at the 55th NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. (October 2023).
- Contextualizing Formative Assessment With IC Maps and Video. Presented at the 54th NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA (September 2022).
- Creating a Common and Actionable Mathematics Vision. Presented at the Learning Forward Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO (December 2019).
- Leading for the Standards and Key Shifts: Understanding Your Instructional Coaching Program. Presented at the Learning Forward Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO (December 2019).
Professional Memberships
- NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics