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Gabriela Garcia-De Avila

Gabriela Garcia-De Avila, M.Ed. 

AmeriCorps Project Manager

Dana Center Role

Gabriela serves as the AmeriCorps project manager for Literacy First, a project of the Center dedicated to ensuring that all students learn to read by the end of second grade, allowing them to realize their full potential. Her duties include managing logistics, operations, and compliance for the AmeriCorps project, as well as providing support and training to program staff and the Literacy First AmeriCorps tutors. Gabriela oversees all operations and program management for the Literacy First AmeriCorps tutors.

Before Joining the Dana Center

Gabriela previously served as an AmeriCorps tutor for Literacy First. Inspired by that experience, she became a senior bilingual program coordinator, working directly in the field. In that role, she supervised multiple cohorts of AmeriCorps tutors and developed training materials and curricula for the program.

Gabriela is an alumna of the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s Hispanic Austin Leadership Program and the American Express Leadership Academy’s Emerging Leaders in Public Service Program.


  • M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction: Reading, Concordia University (OR)
  • B.S.W., Social Work, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
  • B.A., Spanish, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Selected Presentations

  • All Systems Go: Practical Management Tools From the Field. National Conference on Volunteering and Service, Washington, DC (2013), Austin, TX (2014).
  • Multi-Site AmeriCorps Program Management. National Conference on Volunteering and Service, Chicago, IL (June 2012).

Developed Curriculum

  • Alma del Lector Spanish Phonics Program: Kindergarten, First and Second Grade

Developed Professional Learning

  • Literacy First Leadership Academy