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Programs that are

Highly rated by national reviewers

Structures that provide

Embedded professional support

Learning that makes use of

Engaging dynamic visualizations

Programs for High School Mathematics and Science

The Dana Center/Agile Mind high school programs equip teachers with comprehensive resources to support their instruction, formative assessment, testing, and professional development needs for an entire academic year.

Our mathematics programs provide a comprehensive, vertically aligned high school curriculum through Advanced Placement Calculus and Statistics. Our Biology program supports a first course in high school biology.

The programs appear in a “blended” format, with some materials online and others in print. Throughout the lessons, homework, and formal assessments, students work on rich tasks that ensure their learning reflects the rigor of the standards, applying the mathematics they are learning to multiple real-­world situations and contexts.

Lessons are designed to support development of deep conceptual understanding, and the use of multiple representations supports differentiation for diverse learners. Strategic, deliberate practice and review enable students to attain the fluencies and procedural skills required by the standards.

Whether you follow a traditional or integrated pathway, the first three courses in our high school mathematics sequence provide a strong foundation for the courses that follow. For students entering their first high school math course 1-3 years behind, we offer an extended-period intervention program, Intensified Algbra I, desiged to repair students’ gaps and help them achieve their Algebra I credit within a single academic year.

The high school mathematics programs have been recognized as being of the highest quality by rigorous review processes, including those of, the Lousiana Department of Education, the Texas Education Agency, and Learning List.

Dynamic Animations

A rich body of research indicates that authentic, interactive visualizations can promote engagement and lead to greater mastery.

The Agile Mind high school course programs provide teachers with high-quality resources to help students engage in learning activities that develop conceptual understanding across the grades.

In this video from a middle school course, see how students use ratios when making slime.

Our course programs contain thousands of animations, developed in collaboration with exemplary mathematics educators throughout the country.

Professional Support

Each topic in the high school course programs provide teachers with advice for instruction, embedded formative assessments, standards alignments, and student activity sheets. These tools provide teachers with support to create an engaging classroom that fosters the mathematical habits of mind that successful students need.

huddle with hands together

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