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Dana Center News & Blog

How a Calculator Watch Changed My Life

May 3, 2018| Blog, Higher Education
Inspiration can come from the simplest of accessories.

Dana Center Presents at NCSM Conference

April 20, 2018| Events, Math
Join the Dana Center at the 50th annual National Council of Supervisors of...

Seeing My Teaching Philosophy in a New Light

April 10, 2018| Blog, Professional Learning
Advice for educators on how to embrace equity in the classroom.

New Case Studies: Two Large Urban Districts’ Experiences With UMLN

April 3, 2018| News, K-12 Education
It’s human nature to see challenges and opportunities in your local...

Top Ratings from

April 1, 2018| Curriculum, News
Mathematics courses for grades 6-12 authored by the Charles A. Dana Center...

Developing a Math Identity

March 16, 2018| Blog, Policy & Advocacy
What kind of a math person are you?