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Join Us in Deepening Corequisites Across Texas

August 14, 2024|By Tammi Perez-Rice

Implementing corequisite mathematics courses aligned with math pathways has created an enormous lift for institutions across the state. The Charles A. Dana Center, with support from the Trellis Foundation and the Greater Texas Foundation, has begun a two-year project that works to deepen corequisite supports across Texas by offering institutions professional learning, resources, and communities of practice.

The Deepening Corequisites Across Texas project takes a multilevel approach by working with administrators and faculty members, as well as advisors and support staff, to build capacity to develop and improve upon corequisite structures using research-based practices. Deepening Corequisites Across Texas logo

Background and Opportunity

Seven years after the passage of Texas House Bill 2223, higher education institutions continue to grapple with how best to implement corequisite courses. While corequisite implementation has impacted both English and mathematics departments, implementing corequisite math courses has unique challenges due to the numerous entry points for students. Departments must create corequisite courses aligned to each math pathway.

With institutions choosing different approaches to comply with the legislation, there is much to learn from one another. These multiple approaches to implementation and compliance present opportunities for rich cross-institution learning and collaborative problem solving. The Deepening Corequisites Across Texas project creates a network of two- and four-year institutions that can share instrumental information about corequisite implementation and best practices.

Get Involved

The Dana Center invites you to join our virtual webinar series in fall 2024. The sessions will set the foundation for the accompanying community of practice in spring 2025. This year’s professional learning commitment will give way to meaningful discourse and sustainable support.

The six two-part webinar series cover the following topics:

  • Data Use and Continuous Improvement
  • Implementation of Evidence-Based, Effective Corequisite Course Structure–MATH
  • Implementation of Evidence-Based, Effective Corequisite Course Structure–ENGLISH
  • Supporting Academic Advisors to Scale Math Pathways
  • Holistic Wrap-Around Student Supports
  • Empowering Students as Learners

If you are interested in attending any of these webinars, register HERE. Webinars start in September 2024. To further cross-state collaboration, consider joining the Deepening Corequisites Across Texas LinkedIn group.

Register for Webinars

Recommendation for Greatest Impact

To gain the most benefit from this initiative, the Dana Center strongly encourages institutional corequisite teams to commit to participating in multiple webinar series and the following communities of practice. Participants will collaborate across institutions and gain knowledge to bring back to their home institution. Sharing these multiple perspectives will enhance all institutional efforts.

Every institution has unique circumstances, and the Dana Center is committed to providing institutions with one-on-one support. This includes an in-person workshop and two virtual check-ins. If you are interested in one-on-one support around deepening your institution's corequisite courses, email for more information.

What’s Next

This project will culminate fall 2025 with an in-person convening hosted by the Dana Center in Austin, Texas. All participating institutions will come together to share, network, and reflect on their efforts to continuously improve their corequisite courses. To learn more about how you or your institution can join this rich, statewide network, fill out the registration form for the webinar series.

Be a part of this Texas movement to unite and move our state forward in the continuous improvement of corequisite courses.

Register for Webinars

About the Author

Tammi Perez-Rice

Tammi Perez-Rice authors and manages the content development of the Dana Center Mathematics Pathways (DCMP) course materials and supports their implementation in colleges and universities. In addition, she delivers professional learning for K–12 and postsecondary math educators and supports Launch Years Initiative’s cross-state learning sessions.  

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