RECORDINGS AVAILABLE - Free Corequisite Webinars for Higher Ed Mathematics Faculty
Creating Effective and Equitable Corequisite Mathematics Courses in a Virtual Environment
Fostering equitable student engagement in college-level mathematics is critical for students who have been assessed as needing additional academic support. Ensuring those students are connected to you, to one another, and to the content is even more important in a virtual environment. Discuss evidence-based strategies that lead to success in gateway mathematics in a single semester and jumpstart the path to success in the student’s chosen program of study.
In July and August, 2020, the Dana Center offered a series of four free webinars on the design and delivery of online corequisite mathematics courses. These webinars were conducted with the support of Strong Start to Finish and included facilitators from Community College Research Center (CCRC), Carnegie Math Pathways, the Dana Center, and faculty from the field.
Session recordings and transcripts are available by clicking the button below. We recommend the "Thursday version" of each webinar for the most comprehensive content.
Session Descriptions
Promoting Equity – led by Nikki Edgecombe, Community College Research Center (CCRC)
Kick off the series by joining a discussion about equitable practices such as ensuring students have true access to programs leading to family-sustaining wages, leveraging the assets students bring to class in service of mathematical learning objectives, and creating a learning culture where all students are connected to the instructor, to one another, and to the content. Consider the benefits of technology as well as ways in which technology can limit equitable access.
Fostering Connectedness and Belonging – led by Carnegie Math Pathways/WestEd
Promote student retention and success by joining this discussion of social-emotional learning with a focus on connectedness and belonging. Engage with intervention techniques related to growth mindset, reducing belonging uncertainty, and learning strategies such as transference of knowledge and promoting metacognition.
Providing Wrap-Around Supports – led by the Charles A. Dana Center
Coordination between campus supports is especially important for students who have been assessed as needing additional academic support and even more so when students are remote. Discuss strategies for coordinating efforts to support the whole student and making those supports transparent and welcoming to online corequisite students.
Assessing Student Learning – led by the Charles A. Dana Center
Explore a variety of methods for authentic assessment that measure and promote student learning in both corequisite and gateway mathematics courses. Contribute to the discussion of strategies that encourage engagement and help-seeking and promote academic integrity. Consider ways in which technology can support or inhibit equitable access to learning.
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How can the Dana Center work with you to ensure that our nation's students are ready for postsecondary education and the contemporary workforce?