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Jackie LeJeune Receives The University of Texas Outstanding Staff Award

June 6, 2024|By Dana Center Communications

Jackie LeJeune was awarded The University of Texas 2024 Outstanding Staff Award. This award recognizes staff members who made significant contributions to the continuing success of the University. Jackie is a professional learning facilitator at the Center, spearheading the Focus on Algebra Initiative in New Mexico, which has impacted over 200 educators and thousands of students statewide. 

“Jackie’s leadership in the development and facilitation of New Mexico’s leadership trainings for instructional coaches and district administrators showcases her ability to enhance processes and systems for better educational outcomes,” said Afi Wiggins, managing director of the Dana Center.

 She has impacted not only the products we deliver to New Mexico educators, but also our internal processes for developing high-quality professional learning.

As the primary facilitator and content developer for the Texas Network for School Improvement Education Service Center (NSI) professional learning series, Jackie has coordinated professional learning for educators and leaders in multiple regions across the state. 

The University of Texas at Austin Outstanding Staff Award

Shelly LeDoux, the Center’s director of professional learning and implementation, commended Jackie’s contributions: “They extend beyond the Center, making her an exemplary member of the UT community. Her commitment to delivering the best possible learning experiences for educators across Texas has resulted in strong relationships with educators in each region.”
Through her remarkable work and leadership over the past two year, Jackie has made a substantial difference in education. By engaging teachers and leaders in meaningful discourse, she imparts valuable learning experiences that drive forward the Dana Center’s mission of mathematical excellence for all. 

Please join the Dana Center in congratulating Jackie on this wonderful achievement!

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