Course Materials for Daily Instruction
The Dana Center collaborates with practitioners and other experts from around the nation to develop consistent, coherent tools for instruction in mathematics and science.
Dana Center/Agile Mind Courses in Math and Science
Our programs provide a comprehensive system for teaching and learning to help students succeed.
Course ProgramsAdvanced Mathematical Decision Making
These 12th-grade course materials engage students in applying quantitative tools to solve problems.
Explore AMDMTransition to College Mathematics
This 12th-grade course helps students achieve college readiness by the end of their senior year.
Explore TCMEvaluating SEL in Mathematics Curriculum
We believe that support for building social and emotional learning competencies in mathematics instructional materials can and should be identifiable in the process of evaluating materials.
SEL Evaluation ToolGet in Touch
We collaborate with state districts and teachers to develop innovative curricular, resources, and professional development.